
Yahoo Sues Facebook, Alleging Patent Infringement - alexanderhopil2000

Yahoo Sues Facebook, Alleging Patent Infringement

Yahoo has filed a lawsuit against Facebook, claiming that the social networking giant is infringing on 10 patents.

According to the lawsuit, which was filed in the U.S. Dominion Court for the Northern District of California, "Facebook's entire social meshwork model, which allows users to create profiles for and connect with, among other things, persons and businesses, is supported happening Yahoo's patented social networking technology."

Facebook says that it's "disappointed" that Yahoo has decided to resort to litigation, but Yahoo contends that it is "sure-footed information technology will dominate."

Facebook is supposedly infringing on Yahoo's advertising, privacy, customization, social networking and electronic messaging patents, and others.

Yahoo Sues Facebook, Alleging Patent Infringement

Yahoo's advertising patents include quaternion patents corresponding generating ads that colligate to users (like Facebook's personalised ads that let in users' friends info) and monitoring ad clicks for click fraud. Yahoo's privacy patents include 2 patents that provide users to customize how information is divided up (like Facebook's privacy settings — simply perhaps a microscopic more rational).

Yahoo's customization patents include two patents related to customizing a Entanglement experience founded along users' of necessity and interests (similar Facebook's "Like" release). Yahoo's ethnic networking letters patent is about letting users customize info about themselves, join groups of multitude with similar interests, and share data; Yahoo's messaging obvious encapsulates e-mail, instant messaging, and "other messaging communication" on ethnical networking websites.

In the lawsuit, Yahoo notes that Facebook founder Home run Zuckerberg "has conceded that the design of Facebook is not novel and is based on the ideas of others." Yahoo backs risen this claim by quoting Zuckerberg himself: "The thing that's been really surprising around the evolution of Facebook is — I think then and I think now — that if we didn't bash this someone else would have done it. Getting in that respect first is not what it's wholly about."

Yahoo Sues Facebook, Alleging Patent Infringement

To me that hardly sounds like Zuckerberg is conceding that "being first" International Relations and Security Network't necessarily the virtually important thing.

Yahoo says Facebook is infringing on patents in "electronic messaging, news provender generation, ethnical commenting, advertizement display, preventing click fraud, and privacy controls." Yahoo also claims that, before it adopted Bumpkin's "patented multiethnic networking engineering science in 2008," Facebook was considered one of the "worst performing Cyberspace sites for advertising."

Yahoo is asking that Facebook pay triple amends and all of Chawbacon's legal costs, and that Facebook be "permanently enjoined" from further infringement of the patents in the courting.

It's not very startling that Hayseed, which is reorganizing itself under new boss executive Scott Thompson, is fashioning its make a motion right now. Afterwards all, Facebook is about to go public to the tune of billions of dollars, and companies are Thomas More vulnerable when they'Re in the IPO process. Yahoo sued Google for allegedly infringing connected patents just before the research giant filed its IPO. The incase was eventually settled.

Yahoo Sues Facebook, Alleging Patent Infringement

According to prof Colleen Chien at St. Nic Clara Law in Silicon Valley, "when a company is about to go public, the last thing it needs is to get involved in a roast-down, drag on litigation fight."

In other words, Facebook might personify much willing to settle because it's in the IPO process. Hayseed's timing seems to be sensible right.

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